S.W.O.T not S.W.A.T

Peter Some
2 min readMar 1, 2021

You know that feeling when you’re in class, the teacher’s about to call your name for attendance and you’re just waiting to shoot your hand up? I don’t. In fact the opposite.. “SWAT?!” “SWAT!!” “Actually its S.W.O.T, not SWAT”. Now I know what you’re thinking “who the fuck names their kid S.W.O.T?” but more importantly why? Well it’s simple my parents didn’t grow up too well off, so after high school they were set on going off to college. Stanford, where they met and have been glued at the hip since. Apple drops on dad’s head right around ’59, and two days later “S.W.O.T” was born. Not me, the real S.W.O.T, “S.W.O.T the first” as they like to call him, the perfect first born. While most are delivered bearing nothing but screams and future financial aid debt, he launched my folks right into the upper class. Dad’s creation of the “S.W.O.T. analysis” earned him a new paystub and quite frankly a new life. who can compete with that?

If you don’t know already the “S.W.O.T analysis” is the Cooperative process of discovering and documenting strengths and weaknesses within a company and the threats and opportunities embedded in its operating environment… blah blah blah. As you’ve already noticed, yes it is an abbreviation and yes mine stand for the same thing.

“Allow me to re-introdunce myself” by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

=S trengths [quality/resource
that offers advantage.]

(Internal considerations; Human Resources, Processes)

W eakneses [flaw that
increases risk of failure]

O ppurtunites [a chance to
improve/leverage strength]

T hreats [an environmental
condition that increases
risk of failure]

(External considerations; Political factors, Environmental factors)

The “S.W.O.T analysis” was so successful, dad thought it’d be a good idea to name me after it. He says it’s because “I serve as a constant remind of his greatest accomplishment” so he thought why not combine the two? Hey, I’d take that any day over “Bartholomew”.


